Dalia Monterroso, founder of the popular website Welcome to Chickenlandia, brings a fresh, inclusive voice to the community of backyard chicken keeping with this entry-level guide designed to empower anyone who's always wanted to keep chickens but may have thought it required special knowledge and a large investment in equipment. Monterroso's enthusiasm is contagious as she conveys the basics of chicken keeping, with an emphasis on low-cost, natural practices, and shares her belief that humans have an innate ability to care for chickens.
Asserting that the backyard chicken community welcomes everyone, she addresses a broad audience, including those in urban and suburban locations. Readers will learn how to plan their flock, how to raise baby chicks, what to look for in a chicken coop, how to keep chickens healthy naturally, and more. Drawing from her own experience as the child of Guatemalan immigrants, Monterroso celebrates how chicken-keeping has been practiced around the world and offers an opportunity to connect with previous generations and transcend cultural, racial, economic, and political divides.