Here is inspiration and instruction for anyone interested in making beautiful art out of the earth. Build Your Own Earth Oven author teaches you to find, mix, and sculpt the right mud; develop group goals and vision, and translate simple, natural (and easy to draw) patterns into sophisticated and complex designs. The resulting murals will transform anonymous "spaces" into real places. Or make "garden art" you can sit on (or in). Get inspired by earth artists across the country and overseas. Brief, elegant, wonderfully, and generously illustrated with drawings and 32 pages of color photos.
- Turn the earth under your feet into natural, cheap, beautiful art: African-inspired murals, fanciful playground sculptures, labyrinths, sundials, sculpted benches, bird houses, & more.
- Complete illustrated how-to guide to mud, art, & community.
- Inspiring stories & color photos from earth artists here & abroad.
- For teachers, parents, activists, builders, artists, & other kids.
About the author
Kiko Denzer is an artist, teacher, and author in the earthen building revival. He serves as artist-in-residence in schools in his home state of Oregon, and has muddied tens of thousands of hands with his popular oven and bread manual, Build Your Own Earth Oven.