PLEASE NOTE: Due to high demand, this book is limited to 2 copies per order.
Kit Includes:
The lost knowledge of herbal remedies goes against the grain of mainstream medicine and avoids just dealing with symptoms. The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies targets the underlying root cause and strengthens your body's natural ability to repair itself. With the medicinal herbal reference guide included, it’s very easy to look up your own condition and see exactly which herbs and remedies can help.
This book covers over 181 healing plants, lichens, and mushrooms of North America (2-4 pictures per plant for easy identification). Inside, you'll discover over 550+ powerful natural remedies made from them for every one of your daily needs. Written for people with no prior plant knowledge and who are looking for alternative ways to help themselves or their families, this will prove an invaluable resource to have on your bookshelf.
Inside you’ll:
- Learn how to make a powerful “relieving” extract using a common backyard weed.
- Discover the most effective natural antibiotic that still grows in most American backyards.
- Read about the natural protocol Dr. Nicole is recommending for a wide range of auto-immune conditions.
- And more!
Dr. Nicole Apelian is an herbalist and biologist with over 20 years of experience in making herbal remedies. In her previous best-selling books, she’s taught people how to identify medicinal plants and mushrooms to use for their own health.
But with “The Holistic Guide to Wellness: Herbal Protocols for Common Ailments” Nicole goes one step further. Inside you’ll discover 45 herbal protocols that target the root cause of 45 different health conditions.
Many doctors today are well-trained to deal with symptoms of a disease, but NOT to address the underlying imbalances that perpetuate illness.
A holistic protocol does.
Each protocol will show you exactly how to combine herbal remedies, foods, vitamins, minerals, exercises, stretches, massages, detoxes and many other alternative practices. You’ll know what to do, eat, take and use morning until evening, 7 days a week.
The first protocol Nicole ever developed was the one that she still uses to thrive. Years ago, Nicole was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, an incurable autoimmune disease. Thanks to her holistic protocol, instead of being bedridden or in a wheelchair by now, Nicole is travelling the world and living her best life.
Here are the protocols you’ll find in this book: Chronic Pain Management, IBD, Brain and Nerves, GERD and Acid Reflux, Prostate, Lungs and COPD, Parkinson’s Disease, Type-2 Diabetes, Leaky Gut Gastritis and IBS, Lupus, Lyme Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Adrenal Fatigue, Parasites, Candida, Anti-Aging, Flu Viral and Immune System, Bacterial Infection, Psoriasis and Eczema, Vertigo and Tinnitus, Osteoporosis, Thyroid, Allergies, Fungal Infections, Alzheimer’s and Dementia, Heart, Energy, Anxiety and Stress, Auto-Immunity, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Menopause, Men’s Sexual Health, Kidney, Sinusitis, Ulcer, Fertility PCOS Endo Uterine Fibroid, Depression, Liver, Hair Loss, Sleep, Hemorrhoids, Asthma, Weight Loss.